What is the medical term for old age care?

Geriatrics refers to the health care of older adults, an age group that is not easy to define precisely. Gerontology is the study of aging, including biological, sociological, and psychological changes. Geriatrics, or geriatric medicine, is a medical specialty that focuses on providing care for the unique health needs of older people. The term geriatrics has its origin in the Greek geron, which means “old man”, and “iatros”, which means healer.

Its objective is to promote health through the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in older adults. There is no definite age after which patients can be under the care of a geriatrician or a geriatric doctor, a doctor who specializes in caring for the elderly. Rather, this decision is guided by the individual needs of patients and the care structures available to them. This care can benefit those who are managing multiple chronic conditions or who suffer from significant age-related complications that endanger the quality of daily life. Geriatric care may be appropriate if care responsibilities become increasingly stressful or medically complex for family and caregivers to manage independently.

This is the name of a doctor who specializes in caring for older adults, usually 65 years of age or older. It's the same as that of a geriatrician. In general, older people want to live independently for as long as possible, which requires that they be able to engage in personal care and other activities of the daily life. Another important area is the possibility of inappropriate administration and use of potentially inappropriate medications, and the possibility of errors that could cause dangerous drug interactions.

Eligible person: One of several programs designed to help older people with financial needs who don't qualify for Medicaid with the cost of co-payments, premiums and care. MSP: See the Medicare Savings Program Non-Medical Housing for the Elderly — see Assisted Living Non-Traditional Mortgage Equity Housing Programs — see Home Equity Programs Nursing and Rehabilitation Care — see Skilled Nursing Centers Nursing Home — see Skilled Nursing Centers Opening Fee: A fee charged by a lender in the loan transaction that covers the expenses and margin of the lender. Malnutrition and poor nutritional status are a cause for concern, affecting 12 to 50% of hospitalized elderly patients and 23 to 50% of institutionalized elderly patients living in long-term care facilities, such as assisted living communities and skilled nursing facilities. TFL: See TRICARE for LifeTricare, a health insurance program for retired military personnel and their TriCare for Life families, an extension of the TRICARE program for people 65 and older. Viatical Agreement: the sale, by a terminally ill insured, of their life insurance to a third party in exchange for a lump sum in cash.

The National Council on Aging reports that nearly 95% of adults age 60 and older have at least one lifelong condition and nearly 80% have two or more. Routine monitoring of ADL and IADL is an important functional evaluation that doctors use to determine the degree of support and care provided to older adults and their caregivers. Unlike what happens in the United States, geriatric medicine is an important specialty in the United Kingdom and they are the most numerous specialists in internal medicine. Geriatric syndromes are a term used to describe a group of clinical conditions that have a high prevalence in older people. Before a doctor can practice medicine, a doctor must obtain an unrestricted medical license to practice in the U.

Geriatric doctors, also called geriatricians, specialize in caring for older adults who often have complex medical problems. Physiological changes associated with age cause a compound increase in susceptibility to disease, the morbidity associated with the disease and death. MIP: See the mortgage insurance premium, the modified care contract, see the continuing care contract The mortgage insurance premium, a special type of insurance required for reverse mortgage borrowers and that provides additional consumer protection.

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